We usually take bookings within 1 hours traveling distance of Southampton, but we will travel further depending on musician and caller availability. We have played for weddings and events in France, Ireland, Channel Islands and the Isle of Wight!
First contact us to check availability, price etc. for your event. You can use the form opposite, the phone numbers above or the email address below.
If you are interested in booking us we will reserve your date, and send you a booking form. You then check and complete the booking form, and return it to us with a deposit. This can either be by post/cheque, or by email/BACS. Your booking will then be confirmed by us.
You can also email us at woodsidersuk@gmail.com
To see the band check out the News+Events button above to see our public bookings.
It is sometimes possible to view us at our private events. Please contact us for our current list to find a suitable date and we will contact the client to see if a visit is acceptable.